Sponsorship Packages


A functional society underpins the desires of all citizens of the country to live a fulfilling and a prosperous life characterised by boundless opportunities, choices and duties. As the ICT sector, we have a duty to promote the use of ICT to better the quality of life of citizens, starting with positively impacting the capacity and the capability of the government and the public service. GovTech 2019 provides the perfect forum for your company to understand your role in unlocking the citizens obstacles as they pursue their individual possibilities. Also to attract new business, meet new partners, and reach the government technology market. It is also great place to brand your company, launch new products and services, and add value to existing customer relationships.


Build a successful private public partnership through sponsorships, attendance of sessions and networking opportunities. The annual conference & exhibition provides the perfect forum for your company to attract new business, meet new partners, and reach the government technology market. It is also great place to brand your company, launch new products and services, and add value to existing customer relationships.

Depending on the level of support and the type of sponsorship opportunity selected, you can benefit from the following:

• Direct access to an audience made up of your clients, current and potential
• Relationship Marketing
• Demonstration of your products and services
• Enhanced company profile
• A significant marketing advantage
• Increased business potential
• Brand awareness
• Networking opportunities

The main sponsorship packages are:

• Yotabyte - 3 million
• Zettabyte - 2 million
• Exabyte  - 1.5 million
• Petabyte - 1 million 
• Terabyte  - 750 Thousand
• Gigabyte  - 350 Thousand

Hospitality Partnerships

Hospitality and promotional partnerships are an excellent way to demonstrate your organisation’s capabilities and expertise.

The following are the available Sponsorship Opportunities:

• ICT Public Service Awards Gala Dinner (co- hosted with SITA)
• Club GovTech closing function (co- hosted with SITA)

How to become a Partner

• Download Sponsorship Manual Sponsorship Opportunities • Select an appropriate Sponsorship Package • Reserve your space now. Send booking for to govtechsponsorship@sita.co.za