
The e-Government implementation framework is focused on three dimension i.e. citizens, government and business. SITA will work collaboratively with government and relevant stakeholders to identify value creating initiatives that translate into high impact outcomes.

eGovernment implementation framework

The eGovernment implementation approach considers various business scenarios within the public service “end to end” value chains.

eGovernment implementation approach

E-Government is driven by five strategic pillars supported by ten key objectives as depicted below.  

eGovernment pillars and objectives

As per the NDP 2030 sub-outcome 4, SITA will “…make services more accessible, reduce the cost of accessing services, streamline administrative processes and improve turnaround times, and strengthen accountability and responsiveness. To achieve these objectives it is important that IT systems are tailored to specific areas of service delivery. Government will therefore identify and prioritise those areas where IT has the greatest potential to improve access to services.”