In the context of the national priorities of South Africa, the SITA CSI strategy is aligned to its business goals, while supporting national social development imperatives.
SITA is committed to contributing to sustainable development through ICT information and communications technology (ICT) as well as other initiatives which support business as well as communities in the geographical areas where SITA offices are located.
SITA aims to benefit disadvantaged South Africans by directing its spending predominantly at community based initiatives focusing on:
Education & training
ICT related initiatives
Job creation and entrepreneurship
Environmental education and conservation
SITA CSI programme operates according to certain key principles. These include:
The development of a technology rich society, with particular focus on ICT.
Commitment to reaching communities in need
Commitment to skills development and working with stakeholders from previously disadvantaged communities.
Involving SITA staff in ongoing social investment projects
Commitment to utilizing SMMEs as part of the supply chain
SITA investment on communities has been in the form of funding the establishment of ICT laboratories at some previously disadvantaged schools in KZN province, donating non perishable items to different communities through its partnership with local NGOs and supporting staff initiatives related to its CSI focus areas.
Skills development is the key to lasting empowerment of marginalised communities and a vital ingredient for South Africa’s ongoing economic growth. SITA offers the following opportunities:
SITA Youth Internship Programme
Bursary Programme
Ad hoc opportunities for grade 11 /12 learners to gain insight into careers in ICT
SITA CSI approach is to integrate its CSI initiatives into the DNA of its day to day business activities. Through various employee volunteering initiatives SITA strives to involve its employees as important stakeholders in community uplifting initiatives.