SITA Effective OEM/OSM Framework Agreements

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  • SITA Effective OEM/OSM Framework Agreements

The following contracts are available to all government departments, parastatals and organs of state to procure from of through SITA.

No OEM / OSM Commodity Scope Current Framework Contract commencement date Framework Contract end date
1 Cisco International Ltd Products and Maintenance. 2022-07-01 2025-06-30
    Cisco VC Solution Procurement Process flow      
2 Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Products and Maintenance   2021-10-30
3 Huawei Products and Maintenance 2021-12-01 2024-11-30
    Huawei VC Solution Procurement Process flow        
4 Microfocus Ltd (Ireland) Software Licenses and Maintenance 2021-03-01 2024-08-31
     Engagement Model for Microfocus information       
5 Microsoft [Services] Services at fixed cost and T&M. 2022-07-01 2027-06-30
    Microsoft Software License VC Solution Procurement Process flow      
6 Computer Associates (CA) Southern Africa Software Licenses and Maintenance   2023-10-11
    CA FA 01- Annexure H- Engagement Model      
7 DELL-EMC Computer Systems Software Licenses and Maintenance 2022-08-22 2025-08-22
8 ESRI Software Licenses and Maintenance   2023-10-31
    Esri Catalog for maintenance and product      
    Esri FA 01 - Annexure -E Engagement Model      
9 International Business Machines (IBM) Software, Maintenance and Support of the existing perpetual licenses, Hardware, Redhat subscriptions and Professional services 2021-12-01 2024-11-30
10 Software AG (SAG) Software Licenses and Maintenance   2023-10-31
12 Gartner South Africa (Pty) Ltd Software Licenses, Maintenance and Support 2021-01-01 2025-12-31
13 Jisti Software Licenses, Maintenance and Support    
    Jitsi VC Solution Procurement Process flow      
14 Oracle Software Licenses, Hardware, maintenance and support , professional services 2020-11-17 2024-09-22
15 SUSE SUSE Framework Agreement 2021-11-01 2024-10-31
    Annexure A - Software Licenses      
    Annexure B - Maintenance subscription      
    Annexure C - ELA Subscription      
    Annexure D - ELA Maintenance and support subscription      
    Annexure E - Professional Services      
    Annexure F - Training      
    Annexure G - Engagement model