
SITA has embarked on a journey to automate the procurement process in government.

The g-Commerce solution is a fully integrated source-to-pay solution that is aimed at modernising and automating procurement functions within Government departments and other organs of State.

SITA with the Department of National Treasury, SITA has developed standard business processes for procurement in Government and configured the g-Commerce solution to be a fully integrated and automated source-to-pay solution configured for Government procurement.

The g-Commerce platform provides an e-catalogue portal for transversal contracts to improve efficiency, reduce long turnaround times and leverage economies of scale.

Value Proposition

The g-Commerce platform will make it easy for Government buyers to purchase centrally negotiated contracts and will make it easier for departments, SITA and National Treasury to track transactions, buying patterns, prices and the ability to enhance future contracts.


Prospective users are encouraged to register on the g-Commerce portal available on www.gCommerce.gov.za 

For g-Commerce Guidelines, click here

For queries or help on using the g-Commerce platform:

Email: gcommerce@sita.co.za